Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tagged by Myra...

First memory- Combing my papa's hair...he didn't have any but I loved to do it anyways. And this was not that early on but I couldn't think of anything.

First real kiss- Nathan Miller, no joke. Well there were others but they weren't real. Ok so the first kiss was a guy that I worked with at Dominoe's Pizza, I don't remember his name.

First love- Nathan Miller. I have never loved anyone else.

First Concert- Besides the ones at church, New Kids on the Block

First thing you think in the Morning- "I can't wait to see Nathan!" and "I'm getting married"

First pet- probably some kind of hamster that Myra and I let out and is somewhere in the basement at 9211 Apple Orchard Place.

First book you remember loving- Sand Cake its about a bear who goes to the beach and makes a cake out of sand and well, I'm not going to spoil it its at my mom's house if you want to read it.

First question you'll ask in heaven- Well I'd love to know when story time is cause I bet there are some great ones. But I want to ask God to tell me about the creating the animals, I think He was laughing a lot.

First thing you think of when you hear the word vacation- I'm getting Married

First best friend- I think it was Kyle Rhodes, but I have a lot of best friends.

Last time you dressed up- for our church Christmas party last year I wore a designer gown from Good Will.

Last thing you ate- I just at some peach yogurt.

Last CD you bought- I bought a Celtic CD for my friend Jess Marie.

Last good book you read- River Teeth by David James Duncan. Adam introduced me to Duncan He's great.

Last time you told someone you loved them- Last night to Nathan when I was leaving our new apartment, Our New Home!

Last funny thing you did- I'm not really funny, but I would have to say cooked.

Last thing you watched on TV- the All Star game

I tag Mom, Jen and Kim Hensal. This will be fun cause two of you don't have a blog(get one)