Friday, September 25, 2009

A bump in the road

Week two of my liver cleanse has been quite a challenge. This week I came down with pneumonia. I went to see my naturalpathic doctor so that I wouldn't be put on anitbiotics. I know some of you are thinking that this is a crazy idea. I should want antibiotics right? Well I don't right now. I have worked very hard to get all the yeast out of my body. I've eaten great and only have one week left to drink the nasty stuff. Anyways, my doctor gave me lots of stuff and so far I feel much better.

I discovered that eating healthy is really hard when you are sick. Nathan and I have enjoyed eating healthy these past weeks. I don't really even miss the other stuff cause I know how it will make me feel after I've eaten it. Man, that last sentence would have come in handy in many areas of my life in the past. Anyways, the only thing is that everything has to be prepared and when your both sick, that is a challenge. But we managed and found some half way easy recipes to get us through.

I've had a couple people ask me if I'm going to keep this up after 6 months. I'm not sure that I will stay as strict, but I will make better choices. Eat healthy for a week and you will see the difference. Not only does it taste good, but you won't feel as bad after you eat.

Prayers for this week: Please continue to pray for my job. And that I will allow God to have complete control over my life. I've been trying to hard to do things on my own and its wearing me out. Also, pray that I can make it to Orlando next weekend. I really want to see my family and Mo will be there. I've been wanting to play with her for a while now.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

A new lifestyle...

I started my liver cleanse last Monday. So far its been ok. We have decided that eating healthy tastes really good. When I think about what I was putting in my body before it makes me upset at myself. I realize most people eat unhealthy but I'm not sure why I choose to do that now.

In just a week I have been able to tell a difference. I've lost some weight and hope to loose a little bit more. I don't have much energy but that is to be expected while I do this cleanse. I'm not sure if the feeling better is more mental right now, but I guess that is a place to start.

Its been interesting to hear peoples reactions. Many seem to be worried about me right now.
Which I totally appreciate, however, it hit me last night that the worry should of come before I started making healthy choices. I'm sure people did then too, but now I'm on the way to a healthy life.

Thanks for your prayers and encouragement.

Please keep praying for my job. I really don't like it. It's really draining me. I realize that I may be making a difference in some of these kids lives but thats hard to see when they are cursing at you and biting and kicking and hitting and spitting on you. I know that we are here for a reason but I'm ready for God to show me why in a very clear way. I'm very lost and confused right now. Most things are better than last year, I just can't seem to get the feeling of dread to leave me. Pray that I don't dread everything I do here and that I can see more clearly why we are here.

Monday, September 07, 2009

World on Fire

This is one of my favorite music videos ever. I know that its old but I think its a good reminder. Its funny how things like this make us feel great, yet most of us will go on about our day. Try not to forget this. Tell others. Do something for someone, near or far. Think about our healthcare crisis and remind yourself that some people don't even have the opportunities that we do. Pray for those who actually struggle with Healthcare and those who don't even have it. Thank God for the things you do have and ask Him to show you ways you can help others.
click here

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Let's get personal...

I've debated whether to write this or not and decided why not? 1. No one reads this blog anyways. 2. This way I won't have to talk about it 400 times. So lets get personal and talk about my health.

A little background first

Last year Nathan and I moved to Missouri. As a person who suffers from allergies, its not the best state to live in. Yes, its pretty but I can't say that I have been able to enjoy the beauty through watery eyes.
Also last year we had two miscarriages. Last year was not the best year of my life. It by far was a hard year for us both. Things are getting better.

The allergies are just part of living here and can be helped but will probably not completely go away while we still live here.

I've never been told any real reason why I've miscarried. I've heard a lot of Doctors and people say its just something that happens. And I was told that my progesterone was low but that was never clear. So this summer I was put on progesterone and the only thing that happened was I had a period about every 2 weeks. Not fun.

So I recently got advice from a friend to go see a Naturalpathic Doctor. That she had seen one and he helped her with so many issues that I also have. So I found one in Columbia and so far have been very pleased.

Last week Nathan and I met with him for 2 hours and he took notes and asked questions about what I have been going through. I told him everything from having mono to allergies/sinus infections to miscarriages. He was really good at asking the right questions and helping us fill in the blanks as far as how the body works. And he sent me to get some basic blood work.

The Results...

First of all he asked me what we want to get under control the most. My answer is first and foremost I want to have a baby one day. The allergies will be here as long as I'm living here so they came in second for me. But one reason why I like this doctor is because everything goes together.

I'm pretty healthy over all. However, I must have had the worse case of Mono ever cause I still have it two years later. Its not so bad that I need to stay home from work and sleep all day(darn.) But it is causing some issues with my liver, my immune system, and my digestive system.

The liver produces hormones that I lack. So this is the main thing we will focus on in the next couple of weeks. Also because I have had so many antibiotics this past year my body is not making "good" bacteria any more. You don't always need antibiotics for everything because it kills all your bacteria so the next time you get an infection your "good" bacteria is not there to fight it off. So I'm going to be taking probiotics for a while to get my good bacteria back. Also I'm not anemic but my iron level is a little low(probably from the mono). So I'll be taking iron for a few months too raise my energy level. Also I'll be taking a B complex to raise my energy. To start off with I have to do a liver cleanse. I'm looking forward to this so I can start feeling better. I'm also going to take seaweed and Omega 3 to reduce inflamation that the mono has also blessed me with. Also I have to have a better diet. Almost like a yeast free or Glueten free diet.

This is how it all goes together. Make my liver better=better immune system=better digestive system= less allergies/infections and BABY

I'm sure this is confusing so feel free to ask questions.

Here are some things you can pray for....

1. I'm sure I can have a better diet but I think that this will be hard with my lifestyle now.
2. That this next 6 months go quickly
3. That I can feel so much better and be on my way to a healthy pregnancy
4. this is just a bonus but for school. It starts next week and I'm getting depressed about it. But that's a whole other blog.