Sunday, September 20, 2009

A new lifestyle...

I started my liver cleanse last Monday. So far its been ok. We have decided that eating healthy tastes really good. When I think about what I was putting in my body before it makes me upset at myself. I realize most people eat unhealthy but I'm not sure why I choose to do that now.

In just a week I have been able to tell a difference. I've lost some weight and hope to loose a little bit more. I don't have much energy but that is to be expected while I do this cleanse. I'm not sure if the feeling better is more mental right now, but I guess that is a place to start.

Its been interesting to hear peoples reactions. Many seem to be worried about me right now.
Which I totally appreciate, however, it hit me last night that the worry should of come before I started making healthy choices. I'm sure people did then too, but now I'm on the way to a healthy life.

Thanks for your prayers and encouragement.

Please keep praying for my job. I really don't like it. It's really draining me. I realize that I may be making a difference in some of these kids lives but thats hard to see when they are cursing at you and biting and kicking and hitting and spitting on you. I know that we are here for a reason but I'm ready for God to show me why in a very clear way. I'm very lost and confused right now. Most things are better than last year, I just can't seem to get the feeling of dread to leave me. Pray that I don't dread everything I do here and that I can see more clearly why we are here.


Debby McCrary said...

Your struggles are on my mind a lot, knowing that you hate this feeling.
I remember that one of your influences in my life was telling of your favorite Bible verse...cling to that!
Some thoughts that touched me today are:

"My heart is restless GOD, until it rest in YOU!"

Then we sang the song...
all of self and none of thee
some of self and some of thee
less of self and less of thee
none of self and all of thee

It occurred to me that it's not about WHERE for us to be content,
but WHO!

I am thankful for you and the choices you are making to be the best you can be.

love you lots and more,

myra said...

Hey just in case you want to check out that podcast it's

Hang in there. And I had this thought today. "If this world was wonderful and great we wouldn't look forward to heaven".

May you find a new perspective in this:
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting way, yet inwardly we are bing renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

2 Corinthians 4:16-18