Wednesday, February 29, 2012

10 Months!

Hudson is 10 months old!

This is going by really fast.  I love watching this little guy grow.  Here are some of things that he is doing now.

-Hudson loves eating.  He really loves bananas, peas, grapes, blueberries, blackberries and any kind of bean. It's been fun to give him some real food every now and then.

-He can say Uh-Oh and likes to drop things just so he can say it.  He also says Mommmma and Dadaada, although I'm not sure he says it to us yet.

-He can way bye-bye, wave hello, clap, sign all-done, sign more, and he's just recently started to dance.

-Hudson loves it when I sing to him.  His favorites are The Itsy Bitsy Spider, The Wheels on the Bus, and the ABC's.  He will do the wheels part for Wheels on the Bus.

-He is very good at directions.  When we say "sit down" in the bath tub he will sit down.  I think he likes to stand just so that he can be told to sit.  He also understands "No"  He hears it a lot.  He doesn't always stop when we say no but he will look at us.  If I say "come here" he almost always does.

-He is a mover.  He crawls everywhere and pulls up on everything. Walking is in our near future for sure.

-Hudson loves to snort.  This is very random but very funny.

-He can repeat almost anything that we do.  He is getting really good at Legos.  He can put them together now and is really good at building towers.  He also loves to play catch.

-One of my favorite things Hudson does is he will "rub" my shoulders.  We are working on this one everyday and hope that it comes in handy:).

Hudson is so great and we say that at least 500 times a day.  Everyday is a blessing and we are looking forward to more and more time with him.

Monday, February 06, 2012

9 months

Hudson is now 9 months old.

Here are his stats:
29 1/2 inches

Here are some of his new things:

1. He can now say Uh-Oh, Momma, Dadda, and sing AhAhAhAh with me when we sing If all the rain drops.

2. He is everywhere.  Hudson can pull up on everything and has even tried to stand up by himself.

3. Hudson can crawl up the stairs (Uh-Oh)

4. He is very sweet and will flirt with different people.  He tilts his head to the side and smiles. It's so stinkin' cute

5. Hudson is very good at copying anything that we do.  We only show him once and he usually gets it right away.

6. He is starting to eat more solid foods.  I'm going slow with this one but he does like to eat sweet potatoes, carrots, pears, and plums.

Hudson has been a huge blessing in my life recently.  He makes me smile and reminds me that life is ok with him around.  I love this little guy more everyday.