Monday, August 10, 2009

Lots of Love

Tomorrow is Nathan and my two year anniversary. I remember the days leading up to our wedding. So many people telling us how hard marriage is. Especially the first year. Our first year was great. I loved it more and more every day. Our second year came and we had some hard times. Not with each other but with our surroundings. Our lives weren't constantly happy anymore. It seemed like nothing was working out. However, in the midst of hard times, I was always thinking of how blessed I was to have Nathan. Thankfully, he is my best friend and I never get tired of him.
As I write this, Nathan is lounging on the couch with his newest Time Magazine and a baseball game in the background. And I am sitting here falling more and more in love with him. How is that possible? On the day we got married, I was sure that I loved him more than ever. But today, almost two years later, I love him so much more than that day.
Nathan is always there with encouraging words when I'm feeling down. And trust me that's a huge deal after this past year. He had to be very encouraging. He truly is my best friend. I can't wait for our next year together. I can't imagine that I will love him more than right now. I'm sure I will burst into a million pieces. That is lots of love.
Nathan I love you lots. Thank you for loving me and for being you.


Debby McCrary said...

Yeah for Nathan and Lana
Congratulations and love,

myra said...

Have a great day! Love you guys!

Kathy aka Pie said...

Isn't it amazing how love grows? It is to me. Jim Bob & I will be married 19 years on the 23rd of this month. It's true, I love him more & more each day. Congrads to you both & keep up the lovin'.