Saturday, March 19, 2011

Ways I know I'm almost done...

I feel like I've been pregnant forever.  But the end is in sight.  I know this for a few reasons. 

First, I will not drive long distances anymore.  This is huge because I really don't like where I live and would love to go to the city or Columbia anytime instead of being here.  But I'm done until this baby gets here.

Second, I've been joking lately and telling the baby at night that he can't come today because I am too tired.  But today after not sleeping well and being in the car all day and feeling like I have mono right now....yes that is how tired I am...I have told him that if he wants to come it's ok.  Really he should wait one more week but it will work out.

Third, in the last week I have cried just about every day over really dumb things.

Fourth, we have a towel rack for a dish towel that is to be used for drying your hands.  My blood starts to boil every time I go in and find it on the counter instead of it's home.  I haven't told my husband how mad this makes me because I know it's just hormones and very silly.  So I'm trying to ignore it for now.

I have had an amazing pregnancy.  I haven't had too many complaints and for the most part I have enjoyed it.   However, I am more than anything ready to meet this little man.  I can't wait to see him and fall more in love with him than I already have.

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