-Hudson started crawling 2 weeks ago. He is on the move and into everything.
-Hudson can also pull up on things. He's not real good at this one but he'll get there.
-he can sign "milk".
-he is still not a good sleeper but we are working on it. we've decided to take a more natural route so he is taking all sort of "flowers and dirt".
- he has added the sound mamamamamma. I love this one.
- he will say mmmmm after taking a yummy bite.
- he is starting to really want me all the time or at least be able to see me.
- Hud is starting to get a sense of humor and will laugh at silly things.
- I love watching and playing with this kid. It is really cool to see him figure stuff out. He is super smart...like his dad.
- he LOVES his dad. He will perk up when Nathan comes home and get really excited. They read together and wrestle. I'm thinking he will end up a daddy's boy.
I can't begin to explain my love for this kid. He is so happy and so full of joy. I'm so thankful for him and his sweet spirit.