Monday, October 08, 2007

Adam's comforting words

Lately I have been struggling with bad dreams of Adam. I close my eyes and replay the last night I was in Uganda. Its so hard because that is not how I want to remember him. I don't want to be scared of my cousin.
Last night I had a dream about him...kinda. For some reason both Nathan and my family were together at a sports store. It was kinda like a reception for us. I was with Nathan's mom and Morgandy. Morgandy was talking to Peggie, asking her if she could borrow some crayons. Ben came up with a Mvule tree. He sat it down and gave me a hug. Then he said that Kym and the boys were here with someone else. I went to find Kym and when I did I saw Adam. I kept my distance because I didn't know if he was real or if this was going to end up bad again. I hugged Kym and went over to Nathan. Then Uncle Terry came up and said,"can you see Adam?" I said yes but stayed next to Nathan, still unsure. Adam walked up to me and said,"Congratulations, I like him." Then he hugged me and said,"you don't have to be scared anymore." And then he left.
I feel like I can have some peace now. When I woke up from my dream I told Nathan that I had talked to Adam. This may be weird but I feel like it was real. I prayed for a peaceful rest for everyone last night. I hope this helps!


Debby McCrary said...

I love the handiwork of God, and the power of prayer. Thanks to Nathan for knowing who to turn to to give our precious Lana peace. He is also the handiwork of God.
Love, Mom

Papa said...


Thanks for sharing that. So many people read your blog and so many of them are still hurting for Adam and for you. I'm so proud of you and Nathan I am grinning from ear to ear.



Kristi said...

Lana, I have been trying to track you down & I'm so glad I came across your blog! I think you left a message at PUMP, but the phone number was cut off (so call back - I've already spoken to another Montana Lana Miller, oops!).

It is encouraging to read your blog. We have a cool picture of Adam in our dining room from one of the Cascade climbs he did with my husband. His life made a tremendous difference to so many others!