Tuesday, February 06, 2007

My life song

My life song recently has been, I will Praise You in this Storm, by Casting Crowns. I love the words to this song. Giving God the praise and glory even when things are a mess.

I was talking to a friend the other day about my storm. If you heard about everything that was going on you would think that I was a high maintance drama queen. I'm just hoping that God's plan is to make me really strong. Cause if that is His plan, then watch out Satan.

I say that song is my life song because of hard times. And I pray that it is what others see. I pray that I can give God praise in the midst of this storm.


Debby McCrary said...

HIS Spirit reigns in you, and you inspire me to walk closer to God and know HE walks for me when I lose my way.
Praying that you see the rainbow real soon.
I am so blessed & honored to be your Mom!
Love you forever & always!

Kathy aka Pie said...

Hang in there - you are a ray of sunshine that always lights up a room.