Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tagged by Myra...7 Random things about me

I will try to be random, I'm usually only good at being random when I'm not asked.

1. I live in Missoula, MT.(I think its random)

2. I have been to a place that not many other's have been(we'll call it the secret location.)

3. I have rafted the Nile River.

4. I like to take off my socks in the middle of the night.  They usually end up somewhere at the foot of the bed and I forget about them until I change the sheets.  We call it our sock garden.

5. I enjoy cleaning and don't mind doing it all the time. (Its my night time ritual)

6. I use to want to be a professional figure skater, but I never really ice skated that much.

7. I am and always have been very independent. But since I have been married I don't like not always having Nathan around. And when I'm alone I'd rather clean or go for a run then find others to hang out with.  I never would have guessed that I would end up like this. 

So I guess that I will tag my mom since she is the only one who reads/comments on this blog anymore.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Stuck faces and Dance Party '08

The first picture is what Nathan's face looked like after accepting his new job.  Its funny now be cause it is no longer stuck...
Except to mine and Coopers at our Dance Party!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Lana on her Birthday

Here I am on my Birthday.  I won this gorilla on the first try in one of those silly machines.  It was impressive

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Thursday, April 10, 2008

A list of things we will be closer to...

The White trash rendezvous- we can make it this year.
Myra's- 11 hours
Aunt Kathy's- 6 hours
Alex- 7 hours
Mom and Dad- 18 hours
Sonic- 30 seconds
Nathan's family- 20-40 minutes
Olive Garden-50 minutes
Booches- 50 minutes
Uganda-still about 24 hours but we are closer!
Farm and Home-30 minutes
the mountains- 10ish hours, this is kinda a sad one but it will be o.k.
Royal's Stadium- 1 hourish
Astro's Stadium- 12 hourish
Josh and Jamie- still kinda far.
Missoula-24 hours, thats kinda sad so I will stop here, but over all we are closer to most things.

By the way, this list is in no particular order, just how I'm doing it.

The Verdict is in....

So most of you know that we have been applying different places for Nathan to teach next year. Yesterday Nathan had an interview to work at Smith-Cotton High School in Sedalia, Missouri.  Sedalia is only 20 minutes from his home town. For those of you who need more help with the location its 1 hour east of Kansas City.  The interview went well, the deciding part is a whole other story...
But in the end we decided to go.  So sometime in July(probably the middle part) we will be moving down to Sedalia, MO.  We are excited to be close to his family and closer to mine.  I'm already planning to ride my bike to Leslie's house on the Katy trail, have the kids come spend the night, visit my Grando more often, go to Royal's games, and finally get to be more a part of family weekends.  And as most of you know meeting new people and making new friends is one of my favorite things to do.  
We hope you all come see us sometime and we totally plan on coming back to Missoula to visit someday.  We will both miss Missoula a lot(yes even Lana no matter how many of you like to tell me that I hate it here).  Nathan's family will be here to visit in June so you can check out the great people that we will be living near.  
OH, Congratulations Nathan on your new job!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

To the love of my life...

This is a prayer that Nathan wrote in his writing class this summer.  I wanted to share it with you because he is amazing.

Father God:

I am continually amazed. Your servant David said my cup runneth over, I feel as though I am drowning in your blessings.  Perhaps, immersed is a more accurate term.  I pray that I can pour them back out onto others.  You have given me love I never imagined nor can understand.  How have you created this woman for me?  In Galatians Paul says, "The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love."  I praise you for that verse, because I cannot comprehend the love of my future wife.  I do not deserve it, I have not earned it, I cannot simply know it.  It is much like Your love, as it has been taken on faith- "Being sure of what you hope for and certain of what we do not see." She continually expresses her love for me, her faith in me, her confidence in me through love. Her love is made true and certain through her loving actions towards me. What I cannot understand I have the greatest hope in. Every day I experience her love, I understand Your perfect love more.  "This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us." How true is that; it is not that I love her but that she loves me, and I am sure, and that gives me life. I pray my new understanding makes me a better servant, a humble servant, a desperate servant.  You ask me to love my wife, "just as Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for her." I will gladly make myself a "living sacrifice" for her; give me wisdom to do it in a way that will glorify her and You. Our love is a blessing from You, help us make it known. Our love is made perfect in You, help us share it. Grant me your wisdom, show me Your will. Protect her, and guard her life, as I cannot. Help us grow closer together emotionally and spiritually. Thank you for creating my best friend, help me love, care and provide for her. Thank you for shoving us perfect love through the gift of your Son whose name I pray, Amen.

I love you so much, Nathan. I know that we will be happy where ever we end up.  What ever we decide I know we will have peace because we have Jesus and each other.  Thank you for all your work and for wanting to give me the moon.  I can't wait to start our new adventure together. k
I love you,

Thursday, April 03, 2008

The Miller Family

Take this test!
You're yellow, the color of joy and energy — two things you definitely bring to everyone around you. It's hard for anyone to be sad or lonely in your presence; your sunny disposition and cheery outlook just won't allow it. The warmth of your personality shines through in the kindness you show friends and family (and strangers, too). Always ready with a lighthearted joke or heartfelt compliment, you know how to make people feel good about themselves, so they can't get enough of you. Yellow is a warm and inviting color for a warm and inviting person — you!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

A Bad Week...

I have had a horrible week.  I'm not quite ready to share it yet, but there will be a story sometime. But I have realized how blessed we are with good friends here.  Angie and Jeremy Partain have been amazing and I will miss them so much when we move.  Jason and Amber Stewart are also a huge blessing to us. I would say that I would miss them too, but I have a strong feeling that we will never be too far from them.  And of course, Nathan as always never lets me down.  I thank God so much for him.
In hard times its always nice to know that your not alone.  No matter how much you screw things up!  
I am so grateful for the blessing of friends.