Wednesday, April 02, 2008

A Bad Week...

I have had a horrible week.  I'm not quite ready to share it yet, but there will be a story sometime. But I have realized how blessed we are with good friends here.  Angie and Jeremy Partain have been amazing and I will miss them so much when we move.  Jason and Amber Stewart are also a huge blessing to us. I would say that I would miss them too, but I have a strong feeling that we will never be too far from them.  And of course, Nathan as always never lets me down.  I thank God so much for him.
In hard times its always nice to know that your not alone.  No matter how much you screw things up!  
I am so grateful for the blessing of friends.


Debby McCrary said...

I know you are in good hands!
So thankful that you are blessed, and no doubt, they love you, no matter what.
for always & ever, mom

Kathy aka Pie said...

Wanted you to know we are thinking about you. And yes we have had a little chuckle WITH you. Haven't told Jesse yet, I'll let you know what he says. Love ya,