Monday, December 11, 2006

The Sufficiency of Grace

Sometimes I feel like there are things in life that I only kinda know about. For example, grace. I can explain it on a surface level but I think to truly understand it you have to go deeper than just the basics.
I have a hard time knowing why grace is sufficient for someone so insufficient as myself. Recently I came across a book that I totally recomend. Its called Transfroming Grace by Jerry Bridges. Bridges says that grace was not given to make us feel better but to glorify the Lord. I struggled a lot this past year and thought that by excepting grace I would feel better. Then in times when I don't feel great I wonder what else I have to do. But I've been missing the point. God wants me to glorify him in those difficut times. The issue is not whether or not I feel better, but how I honor God in those times. That is why grace is sufficient for even me!

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