Thursday, January 06, 2011

Trying to be great for God

I'm so thankful that I got to spend the holidays in Florida with my family.  It has been very refreshing to spend time with them and get to see everyone.  I love coming here and always get sad when I have to return.
I've had some major anxiety about returning to Missouri this time.  I am looking forward to seeing Nathan after being away from him for a week.  But that's about it.  Every day there is a challenge in just about every area of life.  I've spend the last week praying about going back and asking God to help me live a life for Him.  Today I had a feeling that I was made to do great things for God and His kingdom.  But in Missouri I'm not great.  I'm depressed and sad and just trying to make it to the next day.  I do try.  I try very hard to fit into a Missouri life.  This is where I go wrong.  I need to try more to fit into God's kingdom instead of this place that is definitely not my home.
I still have some anxiety about going back to Missouri but I feel like I've also had enough rest and encouragement here that I can work hard to live a great life.


Debby McCrary said...

That's the best part of you, Lana...You may stumble, but getting back up has always been a part of you. Thanks for showing me the tools to be a better me. I love you so much!

Kelly T said...

Hey Lana dear! Glad I found your blog. So proud of what you're doing for God. Congrats on the baby coming! Being a mommy is the BEST!!