Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 29

I am thankful for my kinda job.  I call it a kinda job because I'm a sub.  So I don't know when I will work and if I don't want to work I can say no thanks.  I like that everyday I can leave the hard times in the room and not have to bring it home with me.  I like that my weeks look very different.  I can be in a classroom from every school and nothing is ever the same.  I like that I can be in the same school with Nathan sometimes.  I like that I'm known in most of the schools now.  I like that I know most of the students.  I like that I'm pretty good at my job, although I would never want to teach and I would be an awful teacher.  I like that when I have a doctor's appt or when the baby comes I can just say that I'm finished, no awkward talks or paperwork.  I like that somedays I can just be there half a day.  I like that I can just leave at the end of the day.  So even on days like today, when I had a kid throw up and a kid who wasn't paying attention and ran into another student and ended up with a bloody nose, busted lip, and a chipped tooth and a kid who would not listen to me even when I reminded her that I was the adult, I am still thankful for my kinda job.

1 comment:

Debby McCrary said...

I know they like you and the kids can see your goodness