Thursday, November 25, 2010

I'm thankful for Boys!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today I'm filled to the brim with thankfulness for our little boy.  We went for our ultrasound yesterday to make sure everything was ok and find out if it's a boy or girl.  It's a boy for sure.
I was totally convinced it was a girl.  All the old wives tales pointed to girl.  The Chinese Lunar Calendar said girl. Even the heart rate said girl.  I had dreams that it was a girl and just felt like it was. Obviously we didn't care what the sex would be but I am still in unbelief that we are having a boy.
I thank God so much for this blessing.

1 comment:

Debby McCrary said...

Even without being with my kids, this has to be the most wonderful Thanksgiving ever. God is so good.
Just for Jimmy John, I took a picture of an awesome tree. Got to keep the tradition going of looking at the trees.